Small-Ring Hay Feeder and Cover for Horses - Agri-Farm Products
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Small-Ring Hay Feeder and Cover for Horses

Save Hay and Keep Your Horses Healthy

Horse owners are challenged with at least two things when feeding the horses in the paddock: Wasted hay and horses eating too fast.

The Small-Ring Hay Feeder and Cover for Horses solves these problems. The Small-Ring Hay Feeder keeps hay confined. Feed is kept clean in the ring and does not get dirty from being stepped on. And the Cover allows horses to eat slowly which aids digestion.

The first challenge is that the horses waste a lot of hay when they pull a big lump from the bale. Horses are natural prey. When they have taken a bite of hay, they immediately turn their head to check what is happening in their surroundings. Holding a lot of hay in their mouth, horses can drop quite a lot of it on the ground. But when they have a small amount of hay waste is reduced drastically.

The next challenge is that horses eat hay too fast and empty the feeder too quickly. If a horse eats too fast, saliva production is reduced. Saliva is vital for the neutralization of stomach acid. A horse should eat slowly and continuously, and our feeder ensures a slower hay consumption.

The Small-Ring Hay Feeder and Cover for Horses is designed with animal safety in mind. Rounded edges minimize the risk of horses getting hurt. It is produced from raw materials and additives approved for food contact. This product is made with UV protection, ensuring long life and durability.

Our Small-Ring Hay Feeder System consists of a Ring Feeder (AFP-674) and a Plastic Cover (AFP-675, sold separately). Just fill the Ring Feeder with hay, and place the Cover on top. Horses can snack all day and hay stays contained in the feeder. The slow-feeding Hay Ring Cover has 48 eating holes allowing easy access to the hay. The Cover ensures that the horses only eat small amounts of hay that they easily pull from the holes in the cover. Access to the hay is limited and the total amount of feed lasts longer, which is beneficial for both the owner and livestock.

The design of the lid also protects against wind and weather. A slight edge surrounds the holes of the Cover, ensuring rainwater is led past the holes. This reduces the amount of rainwater on the feed by 75%. The surface of the lid is 25% holes and 75% surface. On the outer edge of the Cover, there are eight small holes allowing rainwater to run out and down the side of the ring feeder, keeping the hay dry.

Save hay and keep your horses healthy. When purchased together, the Small-Ring Hay Feeder and Cover are competitively priced at $452.00 (does not include shipping or taxes).

For more information on the
Small-Ring Feeder, go to
For more information on the
Small-Ring Cover, go to 

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